Even though I’m not a HUGE fan of Chick Lit, past few days I desperately wanted to read a light Chick Lit novel , must be because I wanted to be stress-free from serious study stuff. When I was wandering around the book store I found this book, The Carrie Diaries. I’ve never read or watched Sex and The City. But when I’ve read the back cover of this book I simply wanted to read it. So I picked the book and curled up with it. I surprisingly found myself compelled to read and hard to put the book back. I read it for hours without a break.
The plot is nothing much but it represents some usual and serious issues that teenagers confront; Competition, jealousy, friendship, attention, sex, and boys.
I liked Carrie, She is wacky and funny. And has her head screwed on properly. But the relationship between Carrie and Sebastian was irritating and the relationship between Carrie and George was kind of pissed me off. Even though Roberta (a.k.a. The Mouse) was an under developed character, somehow I liked her - the way she thinks and reassures Carrie. Also I liked the parts that George tries to encourage Carrie on her writing.
I’m not in love with this book, but still I enjoyed it. It was quick, light Chick read. If you are a teen or someone looking for a break in the heavy read, then this is for you.
Some quotes from The Carrie Diaries:
“I have this theory: If you forgive someone, they can’t hurt you anymore.”
“Funny always makes the bad things go away.”
“If a woman could take care of herself, would she still need a man? Would she even want one? And if she didn't want a man, what kind of woman would she be? Would she even be a woman? Because it seemed if you were a woman, the only thing you were really supposed to want was a man.”
“You can get used to anything, I guess, if you've been there enough.”
“Whoever we are here, we might be princesses somewhere else. Or writers. Or scientists. Or presidents. Or whatever the hell we want to be that everyone else says we can't.”
My Rating: 3 out of 5
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